Panthera Witch Hazel 150ml
Panthera Witch Hazel 150ml
Witch Hazel distilled from witch hazel is a product obtained according to an ancient formula, or that preserves the properties of the plant, without the presence of alcohol, to obtain maximum effectiveness, with an astringent, soothing, conditioning action on the skin. Among its properties we have; it is astringent and purifying, tones the skin, tightens pores and is suitable for relieving skin irritations thanks to its calming and soothing effect.
Unlike Panthera Cristal, it is more liquid and does not retain the ink on the needle, allowing the color to discharge almost immediately on the skin giving an even more loaded effect.
You can use it to dilute all our inks and create endless shades that suit your style. Just pour a few drops to create your own tone.
Panthera With Hazel Witch Hazel Distillate is produced in Italy and certified according to European legislation. Available in 150 ml format
Does not contain substances of animal origin
No nickel
No parabens
Not tested on animals